Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Vault

    There is something incredibly fascinating to me about pole vaulting. I have only seen it once or twice in person, and watching high school athletes attempt it was usually more comedic than inspiring. Not that I could do any better without impaling myself. A really good pole vaulter though, in a few short moments, with precise technique and disciplined execution, can almost unimaginably launch themselves into flight over an obstacle by forcefully and skillfully digging a stick into a pit.

    I love the idea of a person soaring higher by digging deeper. It is intentional, not accidental. It takes both faithful practice and passionate execution. Those who soar get to see life from a new perspective and those who see someone else soar realize new possibilities.

    With this in mind I have created (or re-created for those who were following already) this site for the purpose of "soaring higher by digging deeper." My hope is that this will become a place where people who truly want to grow deeper roots in Christ can be spiritually planted, nourished, and cultivated by God's Word and people who are spiritual leaders in their homes, churches, and communities.

    Here are some of the ways I see this happening through various features of this site:

1. Correspondence - There is a lot we can all learn from each other. So I am going to shamelessly beg friends, family, and colleagues to write short thought-provoking articles to be posted here for the benefit of us all. Do you have something you are interested in posting here? E-mail it to me!

2. Collections - The Internet is a vast, often untapped resource for spiritual growth. I want to collect the best free YouTube worship videos I can find and add them to a playlist on the site for those who want to use them for their churches, families, or themselves. I am also collecting and organizing useful Bible study links for reference when you want to dig deeper into the Bible. Send me links to your favorite videos or resources.

3. Collaboration - Eventually, I hope people will begin to view this as "our site" instead of "Andy's site" and take collective ownership of making it something better together than I can alone. If this grows into a meaningfully connected community of people, we can work on specific projects together that make the most of our abilities and resources.

    Many of you will read this and say to yourselves, "That sounds interesting, but _________," and fill in the blank with the variety of reasons why you can't or won't participate in this site. I want you to know I understand and I'm OK with it. If one or two of you find the content of this site useful for your life or ministry, I will consider it a meaningful use of my time. There's a part of me though that hopes there are others longing for more. I'll never grow as deep or soar as high on my own as I could with your help, and vise versa. So I hope in the process of doing this to both give and gain something that brings us all closer to Christ.


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